Kevin Federline Is Asking Britney Spears For More Money

TMZ - Britney Spears' dad, Jamie, is super upset at Kevin Federline, who called him pleading for more child support when, in fact, all he wants is to jump on her gravy train.

Sources connected to Britney tell TMZ, last Friday K-Fed called Jamie and said he was in a financial bind and wanted to talk about raising his child support. TMZ broke the story K-Fed has been pulling in $20k a month for child support for years, but he now says it's not enough.

Now I'm not all that great at math but let me try to break this down.

K-Fed has sex with Britney Spears in her prime. WOAH!!! 

K-Fed has a kid with her and now gets paid a base of $240,000 a year. Thats if he doesn't get bonuses for wearing sick ass hats like this..

Or, this..

One more.. 

What. A. Douche. 

Did you know when they got divorced Britney cut him a check for 1.3 million dollars?? But it looks like he spent that all on ink and watches. Serious question, can he even tell time?

Reports are saying that Britney didn't budge and is not paying him more than what was already set out. 

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